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In This Issue:

  • Notes from Wiley
  • Problem Gambling Awareness Month Speaker Series
  • Basic Training for Problem Gambling

Notes from Wiley

Happy New Year from myself and the staff at OAPGG. May this year be a bit calmer as we continue to adjust and adapt to our changing world. There is one thing that isn’t changing. Gambling disorder and the individuals and family members that suffer are still among us, and the need for help is constant. As we have seen, gambling revenue is rising, and as a natural consequence, the number of people needing help is also increasing. All of the programs offered by OAPGG are intended to help our counselors as you offer this vital service to your clients.

New programs will be rolling out as we begin this New Year:

  1. This winter and spring, we will be conducting a new prevalence study of gambling disorder. This is an exciting opportunity for research and public awareness.
  2. March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. We will not have an in-person conference this year. Instead, we will have 3 presentations on gambling disorder from 9 am to 12 pm on March 4, 18, and 25. Each presentation will be 3 hours in length.
  3. This winter we will begin a public awareness campaign featuring information about treatment and the problem gambling helpline. All of the ads will be spread equally throughout social media.
  4. The spring 2022 version of the 30-hour basic training class will be virtual, and there will be no fee for this training. The Kansas City Port Authority Problem Gambling Fund Advisory Committee is funding this training. Oklahoma counselors will join counselors from Iowa, Missouri, and Kansas. Lori Rugle, PhD, and myself will be the instructors.

Links to registration forms are included in this newsletter for the March trainings and the 30-hour basic training class.

It is my hope that we continue to promote the highest quality of care for those who suffer from gambling disorder. We should all take ownership for the quality of programs we have built over the past 18 years.


Wiley D. Harwell
Executive Director of OAPGG

Problem Gambling Awareness Month Speaker Series

OAPGG will be hosting three speakers online in March for Problem Gambling Awareness Month:

March 4
Engaging Clients Presenting Gambling as a Primary or Co-Occurring Disorder
with Lori Rugle, PhD

March 18
Recent Research on the Treatment of Gambling Disorder and Co-Occurring Disorders
with David Ledgerwood, PhD

March 25
Sizing Up: Matching the Uniqueness of Sports Betting with Appropriate Problem Gambling Services and Treatment
with Brianne Doura-Shawohl

Each presentation will take place online from 9 am to 12 pm (central time). Participants will earn 3 hours of CEUs per presentation.


Basic Training for Problem Gambling Certification

Spring basic training will take place online on April 15 and 22 and May 6 and 13, 2022. The training schedule will be 8:30 am to 4:30 pm all days, with a one-hour lunch.

Registration is free, thanks to the Kansas City Port Authority Problem Gambling Advisory Committee.

Participants who complete the training will be eligible to enroll in a consultation group. (The basic training and consultation group are two requirements for the newly established state certification for problem gambling.)

Training topics include

  • gambling history
  • theoretical basis for treatment
  • assessment tools
  • treatment modalities
  • co-occurring disorders
  • multicultural issues
  • gambling and technology

Participants will also receive a counselor workbook as part of the training.


Consultation Calls

OAPGG offers consultation calls every third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 pm for counselors to get help with difficult cases and build knowledge for certification. Call 405-801-3329 to get instructions for connecting. Wiley looks forward to hearing you on the call!

Suicide Prevention Training

To schedule a suicide prevention training at your agency and/or community, contact Ronnie Wahkinney at OAPGG 405-801-3329 or 405-243-1363. There is no charge for training and materials.

Social Media

Did you know that OAPGG shares relevant gambling and gaming news on Facebook and Twitter? Follow us to keep with the latest news, and join the conversation!

OAPGG Outreach

Gift Responsibly Campaign

During the month of December, OAPGG participated in the National Council on Problem Gambling’s Gift Responsibly Campaign. The campaign is intended to promote age-appropriate gift giving and prevent the gifting of lottery tickets to children. OAPGG shared reminders on social media and published a press release suggesting appropriate gifts for children.