The new tri-fold pamphlet design is going to print very soon featuring OAPCG’s new ad campaign/slogan/prevention program: Smart Play OK.  The goal of Smart Play OK is to incorporate problem gambling and prevention material under one simple and recognizable brand.  A few simple rules to follow are:
1. Keep it fun.
2. Know your limits.
3. Never borrow to play.

Included in the new pamphlet is information on OAPCG’s Self-Exclusion program.  This option is designed to assist an individual to remain off of casino property.  Four time frames are available to choose from: 1; 3; 5; or 10-years.  Please note that the self-exclusion is completely voluntary and is IRREVOCABLE for the time specified.

Self-exclusions must include the following:
1. Filled out completely and accurately.
2. Applicant’s signature must be notarized.
3. A copy of a current valid driver’s license.
4. An additional separate photo (not on driver’s license).

Self-exclusion forms may be obtained directly by mail or printed from For more information contact OAPCG at 405-801-3329.