(Norman Oklahoma) – The Oklahoma Association on Problem Gambling and Gaming today announced its participation in the 2022 Gift Responsibly Campaign, joining lotteries and community organizations across the country and around the world to raise awareness about the risks of buying lottery tickets for children. The campaign is organized by the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and the International Center for Youth Gambling Problems and High-Risk Behaviors at McGill University.

Research shows that the earlier a person’s participation or even exposure to gambling is in childhood, the more likely they are to develop a gambling problem later in life. Gambling exposure during childhood is often through some kind of lottery product, given by an adult who is likely unaware of the associated risks.

“OAPGG is committed to raising awareness about the risks associated with giving lottery products as gifts to minors during the holiday season—or any time of the year,” said Wiley Harwell, Executive Director for OAPGG. “Research shows that early exposure to gambling can lead to future problem gambling and other risky behaviors.”

During December, OAPGG will work to raise awareness about the risks of youth gambling by highlighting responsible gambling on social media.

“Youth problem gambling has emerged as a significant and growing public health issue. We applaud OAPGG’s commitment to raising awareness about risks of youth gambling through the Gift Responsibly Campaign,” said Keith Whyte, NCPG Executive Director. “Our message is a simple one: lottery tickets are never appropriate gifts for children.”

OAPGG is a gambling neutral organization that works with state and tribal partners across Oklahoma to promote awareness and reduce problem gambling and gaming. Treatment for problem gambling is free across the state. See www.oapgg.org for more resources.